Tuesday, April 3, 2012

I have no self discipline...

...I am eating my body weight in Girl Scout Cookies, namely Thin Mints and Samoas (thanks to a particular care package)! I tried putting the Thin Mints in the freezer to "forget" about them but then I just imagine how good they will taste cold and crispy. I often ask for sweet treats and specialty food items but then they arrive and I just can't ration the goods. I get into feast or famine mode, my feast being girl scout cookies, almond butter, dried mango, etc...and famine is really just eating fruits, veggies, oatmeal, and ramen. God only knows what will happen when I get back to the States and have access to so many kinds of foods! For now I dream of being able to eat grapefruit and cottage cheese or greek yogurt with bananas and honey and shredded wheat without having to travel 1.5 hours on a bus to get it! Ohhh and to have a glass of skim milk that isn't long life milk! Yeah, this is my general thought process on an otherwise unproductive day.

Here are a few random photos from a weekend birthday celebration that doubled as a 1 year anniversary for the Bots 10 volunteers!

Diana likes hotdogs. Better yet, she likes hot dogs with cream cheese icing?? EW.

It was her birthday, so Britt and I made her a cake shaped like a hot dog.

Vanilla bun, carrot cake wiener, and cream cheese icing.

Celebration and festivities!

1 comment:

  1. i love your outfit in the first picture. i couldn't have picked it out better myself! -christine
